How to submit your Dutch mortgage documents?

How to submit your Dutch mortgage documents?

  • Check our documents manual

    It's important to submit your Dutch mortgage documents correctly, so read the manual first. This way you prevent mistakes, delay and extra costs. 

  • Documents for a free appointment

    In our checklist you'll find the documents you need for a mortgage application. The more you submit for your 1st appointment, the better. 

  • Upload them to your personal portal

    Before your appointment you'll receive an email with a link to a personal portal. Here you can upload your documents.

  • Documents for mortgage advice

    Has your bid on a house been accepted? Time for your application. Your advisor will tell you what documents you need to submit.*

  • Documents submitted? All done

    Once you've submitted all your documents, you're done! We'll arrange the rest with your mortgage lender. You can start preparing your move.

These checklists contain the standard documents for a Dutch mortgage application. However, all mortgages and lenders differ. Depending on your personal situation, your mortgage lender might want to see additional documents. Your advisor will tell you as soon as possible.

The ultimate mortgage documents manual

How to submit the documents for your Dutch mortgage?

Mortgage lenders have strict rules regarding the acceptance of documents. Below you find instructions on how you submit your documents correctly: general guidelines and guidelines per document type (for instance your salary slip or the preliminary purchase agreement). 

Note: At Hanno you're responsible for submitting your documents according to the guidelines of the Dutch mortgage lenders. This way we can offer you a personal advice for a low fee. If you submit your documents too late or incorrectly, we're forced to charge you extra

In short: general guidelines for submitting your documents

  1. By email: send your documents to or directly to the address of your Hanno mortgage advisor. 
  2. Separate files: every document should be an individual file.
  3. File name: give your documents the right file name (! see detailed description).
  4. PDF format: mortgage lenders only accept PDF files.
  5. Upright: submit documents upright, so they don't have to be turned around.
  6. Sign in writing: you'll have to autograph the offers of your mortgage lender. Sign them in writing, not electronically.
  7. Page number: make sure the order of your pages number is correct.
  8. Merge: submit one file per document, not a separate file for every page.
  9. Size: the smaller the better, with a maximum of 10 MB.

More about general guidelines

1. Upload in your Hanno account

Your privacy is important, especially when it comes to personal documents like those you need for your mortgage application. Like your passport and information about your information. Therefore always upload your documents to your secure Hanno account. That's much safer than emailing.

2. Make a separate file for each document

If you scan several documents at once, your computer sometimes merges them into one file. Mortgage lenders don't accept your documents this way. You'll have to create separate files for each document. 

A file that contains scans of your ID and your partner's ID, won't be accepted by the lender. You should make a separate file for each ID.

3. Give your file the right name

It's essential that you name your documents correctly. This prevents errors on our side and the side of your mortgage provider. Follow these instructions to name your files:

  1. Surname-Surname: a file name always starts with your last name. Do you buy with partner? First enter the surname of the man (or oldest person), followed by the women's maiden name.
  2. File type: what kind of document is this? Passport, payslip, employer's statement etc.
  3. Who does it belong to: buying with a partner? Indicate who's the document about by specifying the surname (or maiden name).
  4. Property: are you moving to your next home? Indicate whether the document concerns your current OR your new home, and the address of this home.


  • Clients Karl Schmidt and his wife Helga Schmidt-Koch. 
  • Moving from Kreekpad 4 (current home) to Oude Dorpsstraat 11 (purchased home).

Passport Karl: Schmidt-Koch passport Schmidt
Payslip Helga: Schmidt-Koch payslip Koch
Appraisal report current home: Schmidt-Koch appraisal report current home Kreekpad 4
Preliminary Purchase agreement new home: Schmidt-Koch purchase agreement new home Oude Dorpsstraat 11

4. Convert to PDF

Most mortgage lenders only accept PDF files, so always submit your documents as PDFs.

It's very easy to convert other file types to PDF. Like Word, jpg or png files. How you convert your files to PDF depends on the operating system of your computer.

Save as PDF

  • Windows: 'print' a file as a PDF file via the virtual pdf printer. In the menu, go to File> Print and select Microsoft Print to PDF.
  • Mac: create a PDF by saving a file again or converting it. In the menu, go to Save as and select PDF as file format. Or choose File > Export as PDF.

Edit PDF

When you want to edit a PDF, for instance rotate, merge, change the order or reduce the size?

  • Windows: has no free tools for this. You can use paid tools such as Adobe or a free online tool.
  • Mac: via Preview.
  • Online tools: online you can find free tools such as ilovepdf or smallpdf. Always check the privacy conditions of a free tool to make sure your information is safe.

5. Save it upright

Make sure your documents are saved upright. Not tilted sideways or upside down. With Mac it is possible to run pdf files in Preview. For Windows you need to use a different tool (see above).

6. Sign in writing

You must autograph the mortgage offer documents in writing, with a pen. Just like in the old days. An electronic autograph would save you a lot of work, but is also vulnerable to fraude. That's why mortgage lenders don't accept electronically signed documents.

7. Order the page numbers

Number your pages and make sure the order is correct. This way you won't accidentally forget to submit an incomplete document and your mortgage application will be processed faster. 

8. Merge one document into one file

When a document consists of multiple pages or scans, merge them into one file. 

Your mortgage lender needs the front and back of your passport. Often people submit 2 separate scans. Unfortunately, you can only submit 1 file for your passport to the mortgage provider. Therefore you'll have to merge both scans into 1 file.

9. Shrink the size

Yes, size does matter. The size of your files can't be too large. The smaller the better, with a maximum of 10 MB.

Is your file too large? Reduce your PDF file online. Or with Mac: choose "save as" and adjust the size down.

Guidelines per document

Some documents the lender needs for your Dutch mortgage, you only have to pass them on, like the appraisal report, structural report and the preliminary purchase agreement. However, there are also documents you'll have to collect yourself. Please read the guidelines of some standard documents to make sure you'll submit them correctly. 


A (valid) ID card or passport. Mortgage lenders don't accept your driver's license.

  • Scan is in color (not in black and white)
  • Front and back, with white borders and the top of the passport

Salary slip

Are you employed? Then we need your payslip.

  • Less than 3 months old
  • It shows the bank account number on which your employer deposits your wages

Employer's statement

An employer's statement can be filled in digitally or by pen, but the file must always be signed in writing by your employer (with pen). An electronic signature is not valid.

  • All fields are filled out
  • The statement has been completed by 1 person
  • With the same pen
  • Less than 3 months
  • Signed in writing (not electronically)
  • For declaration of intent: an additional (written) signature and a company stamp
  • If your company has no stamp: a separate letter in which your employer declares this

Income history of the last 3 years (if self-employed)

When you're self-employed it's mandatory to include your income history of the last 3 years. You can request this information from your tax adviser or accountant.

  • Corporate tax returns
  • Personal income tax returns
  • Annual figures with an explanation
  • Forecast of the current year
  • Extract from Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK)

Bank and saving account overview

Your mortgage lender needs overviews from the bank account of which they'll collect the mortgage and your savings account. You can make print screen or download digital overviews. 

  • Include name of you account holder, balance, account number (IBAN) and date
  • Don't strikethrough or cross out anything!
  • Less than 3 months old

Residence permit

When you're not an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, you need a residence permit to apply for a Dutch mortgage.

  • Scan is in color
  • Front and back

Study finance DUO

Do you have a student loan from DUO? You are obliged to share this with your mortgage lender. You can find an overview of your study dept by logging in to My DUO

You need to make 2 different print screens:

  1. Click on Study debt > details and make a print screen
  2. Click on View debt history and make a print screen with your current balance and your repayment schedule

The following information must be visible:

  • Your name and the date
  • Current and original balance
  • Amount of the monthly payment

Credits or loans

Do you have a loan or credit? Submit a copy of the loan agreement. You can make a print screen or send the last statement as a PDF. The following information must be visible:

  • Name, balance and account number
  • With revolving credit: your credit limit

Gifted deposit or loan letter

You can draw up a gift agreement yourself or ask your mortgage adviser. The agreement must contain the following information:

  • Donation date or starting date of the loan
  • Names and signatures of the contributors and recipients (you!)
  • Amount involved
  • Interest rate and term of the loan (not in the case of donation)

Pension statement

You can download your Dutch pension overview via Mijn Pensioenoverzicht.  

  • Download the complete statement, a print screen isn't enough

Specification of renovation or extra work

If you're going to renovate your home or want to have extra work carried out on your new house, you must provide a specification with an estimate of the costs (you don't need exact numbers).

  • Costs have to be specified under the correct description
  • Specification has to be filled in completely
  • Specification is signed by you and your partner

Questions about your mortgage documents?

Ask your Hanno advisor